Daiwa House REIT Investment Corporation

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Sustainability-Linked Bonds

Policy and Basic Approach

  • Business value
    (economic value)
  • ×
  • Social value
    (non-financial value)
  • Maximization of unitholder value
  • Sustainability-Linked Bonds have conditions that depend on whether the prescribed sustainability target has been achieved
  • They are a new initiative wherein the results of sustainability initiatives are reflected in the form of economic value, namely the bonds’ interest rate
  • By achieving growth in both business and social value, these bonds will further advance the growth strategy of DHR—to maximize unitholder value

Overview of DHR Sustainability-Linked Bonds


Name 18th Unsecured Investment Corporation Bonds (Sustainability-Linked Bonds)
(also referred to as “DHR Sustainability-Linked Bonds”)
Issue date May 25, 2022
Issue amount/Term ¥4 billion/7 years
SPT DHR named on “A List” (highest recognition) in CDP Climate Change Program
Interest rate Initial interest rate: 0.575% per annum
(May 26, 2022–May 25, 2023)
Interest rate after SPT assessment: Based on level of achievement as shown on the table below (on and after May 26, 2023)
CDP Score Interest rate
A 0.550% per annum (-2.5 bp from initial interest rate)
A- 0.585% per annum (+1 bp from initial interest rate)
B / B- / C / C- /D / D- / F 0.600% per annum (+2.5 bp from initial interest rate)
  • Sustainability Performance Target (SPT): A prescribed sustainability-related target.


Rate adjusted according to SPT judgment

Schedule of SPT judgments and adjustments to interest rates